Working from home with a toddler

It's Monday morn and it is my second day working from home with a toddler, thanks to the Coronavirus.  

I have a 2-year-old terrorist princess, yet I am somehow expected to pull off the miraculous feat of homeschooling while working from home.

I set her up with her toys. Every single one so she has options.

Less than 2 minutes after:

“Mommy, what is this?”

“It's called a keyboard, baby.”

“And what is this?”

“This is a mouse. But not like a real mouse—"

She cuts me off before I can finish explaining.  “And what is this?”

“It's my monitor.”

“Watcha doin’?”

“Mommy is sending an email for work. So, go back to play with all your fun toys.”


I allow her to take a few jabs at the keyboard.

“Ok honey, mommy needs to finish sending this email. It's my turn now.”

Cue the meltdown.

“Look, you can type on your very own computer.” I go for her kiddies laptop and pretend type.

She isn't the least bit interested in her computer.

“My keyboard!” she yells, as she continues to jab. My email is now an indecipherable mumbo jumbo of letter, numbers and symbols.

“No. My keyboard.”

Am I really arguing with a two-year-old?

Have you ever tried to write a sensible message while a two-year-old is throwing a full-blown tantrum?

Send. Help. Please.

This nah werk!

Homeschooling Meme

On a serious note though, there needs to be a manual for working from home with a toddler.

My living room looks like a tornado, but it's okay because "social distancing" is the new catchphrase so we're not accepting any visitors.

Hats off to all those social media moms who are killing it with fancy homeschooling photos and videos with their kids in perfectly organized playrooms.

I’m blocking each and every one of you! Or better yet, DM me your addresses so I can drop off Jordan and you can fit her into your fancy playrooms and teach her your fancy lessons.  

Yes. I am bitter. 

If you are a struggling mom, like me, grab a glass of wine.  I have scoured the internet to find responsible moms who are engaged in fun activities you can do with your kids. After a glass, or two, maybe we can figure out this homeschooling thing together!

School may be out but P.E. is in session! Keep fit with Kamila McDonald  

Watch Princess Zipporah play mastermind with mommy Emprezz

Terri Karelle is my go-to for awesome mommy and me moments.

Check out Jodi for homeschooling by Levi.

Thanks to Tami Chin Mitchell for always giving us something to laugh about.

For an extra dose of homeschooling done right, check out Nicole Mclaren Campbell

And, apparently, these guys are big on homeschooling and have a few great resources for us all.

How are you coping with working from home with a toddler mamas? Drop a comment below and let’s share ideas.

Toddler playing with building blocks
Jordan playing with her building blocks

18 Responses

  1. This made me laugh so loud. I feel yuh pain! Two is hard age because I don’t know how you going to keep her attention on anything long enough to do work. You might have to resort to getting work done during nap times and at night when she’s sleeping. Strength and power to you mama.

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      Everything you said. It’s impossible and she barely naps!

  2. I already lef dem outside ! Mi dun!!!!

  3. Tbh I don’t have any problems she just eats more… My child attend Ardenne high in first form… The school have in place Google Classroom so once u have a smart device ur good to go… She is on frm 8 _3pm daily they mirror their daily time table just like at school oh the classes or live… Nuff home work quiz and unit test and they are all graded… Toddlers are hard to handle… Once u is not their teacher ntn u can do… Attention span is very short… Home doesn’t look like school to them… All the best tho be blessed

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      I can’t wait until she is this independent and doesn’t require so much of me!

    • COVID test one of those Step By Step aunties & open your door ??? good luck!!

      • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

        haha! Good one!

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      Lucky you!!! Pray for me.

  4. I’m not coping and I have a teenager who thinks no school means ..1-playing Roblux indefinitely…2-unlimited snacks(p.s. school only had 1 lunch break)…3-no schedule bedtime…4-endless hours of violin practice plus other endless uphill battles ?.I’m on day 7 so now I found a balance (somewhat) to get her to do things in order.I think patience and standing your ground are the two main ingredients for this home schooling.I made a schedule for her to follow and turn off the wifi at nights for a more peaceful bedtime.

    • Listen there is n wrong way or right way for this, I have a hyperactive 5 year old boy and a college 20year old…at 20 he better have this figured out cause I’m not going there at all, I just peep on that one?.
      The 5 year old? I meet him on his level, seeing as I can’t get him to sit still unless there is a tablet in his hand I have uploaded everything from amongst other things to help engage him while having secretly deleted some games?….for outdoor stuff he loves planting stuff like his mama so at the end of this I will have an amazing garden and know exactly how many leaves are on each plant counting them by 2, 5, 10, 100? some days I just leave him be and grab a a glass maybe 2of wine??

      • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

        I have ABC Mouse too. Damn thing keeps crashing. See Jordan’s attention span is about 20 mins so I can get her to tune into something else for about that time and then it’s back to haunt me.

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      All great suggestions.

  5. A committee is needed urgently to assess the overall impact of work and school from home on parents worse single parents. Home is an escape or refuge for people. Those of us with space and support (nanny/helpers) to do it may be able to cope but the others will be confined to 24hr stress.

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      Amen! Lol!

  6. Not a mom as yet. But I was thinking…..Perhaps 1 or 2 toys at a time. Then as she tires (hope I spelled that correctly) you can trade in new ones.

    Failing that, do you think she would be amenable to good ole blackmail?

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      I’ve tried it all!!!!

  7. I am with you! Homeschooling is for the unemployed mom… does not work!!!! I am in awe of some of these mothers who are killing it!!!

    • Lecia-Gaye Taylor

      Yes and yes!