The Fight

It was our biggest fight ever, well not our biggest, but certainly the biggest fight of our marriage. I was livid, and super charged with frustration. And I was saying a lot. I’m sure our neighbours heard us screaming at each other, and if they didn’t, they sure as hell heard the door when I slammed it shut, silently hoping it would break off its f**king hinges.

I was mad. He was mad. We were both mad. And when you are angry you say things that hurt, that cut each other like a sword. We weren’t just cutting though; we were wielding and sinking our swords like gladiators battling for glory. Our words were our swords, and with every swipe, we took turns at plunging them a bit deeper. And neither of us was backing down.

battle escalate

I won’t say what the fight was about (some things must be kept private after all), but were we divided, split right down the middle. I thought he was being completely unreasonable, a little ungrateful and extremely inconsiderate.  He thought I was being selfish, pompous and a lot of ungrateful.

It was the kind of argument which made you stay mad for days. My anger was intense. I was so mad that even though my car was in the garage, and I needed a ride, I preferred to call a cab to get me to and from work.

By the second day, I had fully made up my mind: if he wasn’t willing to see how unreasonable he was being, I was completely prepared to go about my business as if he didn’t exist. Clearly, he had also arrived at the same conclusion. So, we continued to coexist... in silence.


Day three

I got up and started to get ready for work… in silence. He broke the silence, not to apologise, but to take care of a simple housekeeping matter. I gave him my obligatory response, and walked into the bathroom, then stepped into the shower.

As if he couldn’t hold it back any longer, he blurted out, “Junior had a stroke.”

I froze. Junior is my husband’s brother. All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind. This can’t be happening right now. But he was just here yesterday. What do you mean he had a stroke? Jesus Christ!

I dropped my pouf sponge, stepped out of the shower and crawled into the bed beside him.

“Oh my God, honey, when did this happen? How is he? How are you?!” My voice rising with panic.

He pulled me into his arms. “Oh my God! Something this serious can’t happen and you not tell me right away. I don’t care how mad you are with me, you call me right away, okay?!”

And in that moment, everything else seemed completely insignificant and inconsequential. The huge fight which had us at each other’s throat for the past two days seemed stupid, petty and pointless. My anger melted away.  I didn’t need him to apologise or to acknowledge that he was wrong.  It didn’t matter. I wasn’t even thinking about our fight. I just needed him to be okay.

My mind was racing: what if something had happened to my husband? What if my husband had a stroke? What if something had happened to him while I was mad at him?

“I am sorry. I am so, so sorry.” I hugged him tighter, buried my head in his chest and started to cry.

Sometimes it takes a disaster to bring us back to reality-- to see what really matters. I knew he was hurting, and more than anything else I wanted to make it stop. Nothing else mattered, because that’s what you do when you love someone.


Thankfully, Garfield’s brother has recovered and is almost back to his old self!

Oh, and we still haven’t resolved the issue. I have arrived at the conclusion that sometimes it’s okay to accept that you’ll never see things the same way. Truth is: we are not a shiny, happy-go-lucky couple all the time. But, perhaps if we can still love each other anyway, when we are at our realist and our worst, then it was really meant to be.

After all, all couples fight.

love die


16 Responses

  1. vel

    This is real love guys. I absolutely love this.

  2. Kam

    Well written. I agree, sometimes it just takes a strike of reality to get us grounded again. It sometimes does not solve the problem but it makes us take a step back and look at it again. Maybe what he says is true, maybe we can agree to disagree.

  3. KayK

    Aww absolutely loved it and can totally relate to it.

  4. This story moved me to tears; sometimes it takes a disaster to bring us back to reality– to see what really matters.

  5. Love you guys…happy that you could share the bad times with us too. That’s what relationships are all about not always perfect and happy but there will be bad days too but your love for each other will conquer all (A little fighting is healthy, to have great make ups :-))

  6. ingrid

    Lecia this is touching. Love is always the winner. Nothing else matters.

  7. Sahai

    Real …I love u guys…

  8. Lawd geez..another tear jerker for me. Well written Lecia

  9. Shorna-kaye

    Wow this one touched me 🙂 relationships arent always full of sunshine or how well you deal with the good times but its how well you deal with the cloudy days….thats what really matters

  10. Ifancy

    real good read!

  11. it is the realest thing i have heard in a long time , well said. Never take each other for granted as we know not what tomorrow brings

  12. Keisha

    Real! Loved it!

  13. Andrea

    phew!!! for a minute there i thought you guys were just perfect!! just kidding….. but this is what all good relationships are made up of bound to be a few battles in there, and we have to sometimes agree to disagree…… then there is the making up after the fights…. guess that’s another blog lol.

  14. Latota

    This is what the real “good stuff” are made of 🙂 These realizations keep you bound together and cements your relationship even further. I like it 🙂

  15. Devine

    Aww..I loved this one.