Hi Just Hitched Now What readers! I have been MIA for a LONG while because… well… life happens! But not to worry, 2019 will be a great year! I have lots of good stuff in store for you including plans for a vlog! Until then, check out my new feature, the Just Hitched Round-up with some great links from around the net for you!
Podcasts the new rave!
Podcasts are becoming a real rave these days. Not sure what to listen to? No worries, I'll do all the work for you.
Check out Debbie Bissoon's Moms Can Relate podcast. I'm in love!
Full disclosure: Debbie is my girl and I'm featured in the early episodes, BUT that’s not why I am in love. Debbie takes the time to connect with us moms and talk about those issues which truly affects us.
Start by listening to Hi, I'm a Mom Part 1 one where a group of us girls share how we first found out we were pregnant. You all remember my story, right? Well guess what? It seems I wasn’t alone. Most of us girls were in denial, as we all took three or more pregnancy tests.
Debbie’s podcast makes for great listening, I promise. So, head on over to the Moms Can Relate and be sure to drop a line below to share your “How did I discover I was Pregnant?” story.
Moms & Mimosas
Moms, have you been looking for a space to share the utterly chaotic but blissful world of motherhood? A no judge zone, where you can just let down your hair and be you? Well, that was Moms & Mimosas!
Congratulations Debbie on staging a fun and engaging gathering for us moms. It was a huge success!
If you were there, drop a comment below. If you missed it, watch this sneak video highlight from @pbcjamaica and tell me it doesn't look like loads of fun.
Keeping Up with our Favourite Wives!
If you are not following @tamichinmitchell on Instagram, you are missing out. Bigly!
She's the witty, super cool mom who's not afraid to drop some truth bombs! She'll either have you bent over in stitches or all up in your feelings.
She forces you to do some deep introspection with posts like, A lesson from the Art of Kintsugi, a Japanese art form.
Or, if you are a mommy, I'm sure you can relate to this post and the frustration that comes with dealing with your child's temper tantrum. Trust me, like Tami, before I became a mom, I used to be one of those who swore that no child of mine would ever throw themselves on the ground and create a scene. Now, I know very differently. Jordan is only 16 months old and by God, she has been testing me with epic temper tantrums often leaving me feeling utterly and completely helpless.
If you have a suggestion, I am all ears! Tell us in the comments below, how do you deal with your child's temper tantrums?
If you are running out of Christmas gift ideas, check out her suggestions for moms in this hilarious video.
The other day I was caught up in a discussion about how us wives tend to "throw up ourselves" (translation for non-Jamaicans: stop taking care of ourselves) as soon as we get married and worst when we become mothers. Needless to say, I was a little defensive, because it does get a lot harder to keep up with the "hot girl" routine especially when you become a mother. It's rough, I tell you.
Well, here's one wife and fellow mommy that is serving us #bodygoals and in December too! Cheers to @jodijinx (Sean Paul’s wife) for repping for all the wives and mommies all over the world! Damn Girl!
Christmas is all about food! Right? My mother-in-law is in the house, so I am throwing all weight goals out the door! If you are looking for some real inspiration, here are two great recommendations:
Who doesn't love a man who can cook? Go check out my friend Garth @tieherfood for some great breakfast and dinner ideas. His latest being ackee and saltfish... from a can!
If you are vegan, then my girl @jessicainthekitchen has some delicious options for you! Check out her mouth-watering Red Velvet Brownies with Vegan Cream Cheese.

Red Velvet Brownies. Yum!
Conversation starters
If like me, you are busy watching BabyFirstTv and can barely keep up with the news, I’ve got you! Here's how you can strike up a conversation at this week’s staff party.
When they start handing out slices of Christmas cake, repeat after me:
“Boy, I sure hope that cake didn’t cost us a thousand US dollars!”
What are you referring to: Petrojam Scandal!
What is that?
Have you been living under a rock? No worries. Here’s the tea in a nutshell.
Petrojam is the state-owned oil refinery. Way back in May, Julian Robinson, Opposition Spokesman on Science and Technology, called on the Integrity Commission and the auditor general to examine its operations. Sometime in the same month, Pamela Monroe Ellis, the auditor general commenced a probe. Well, the probe has ended and all “hell bruck loose”.
Why? What Happened?
It seems like a whole lot of people at Petrojam were having their cake and eating it all. The opposition leader calls it “the Mother of All Scandals” but in a nutshell:
- A lot of people have resigned, including the minister.
- A lot of money (read: millions) was paid out in what would appear to be a “breach of procurement procedures”.
- The prime minister has ordered a forensic audit into the $5 Billion - yes, you read that correctly- $5 Billion unaccountable oil losses at Petrojam.
- And apparently, they hired a magician, because over 600,000 barrels of oil have disappeared!
But what about the cake?
Yes, yes, the cake. Well, a surprise birthday party was held for the minister and a 4-tiered ‘topsy-turvy cake’ chocolate cake accounted for US$1,000.00 of the total US$11,260.00 party bill. And that was just one party.
“Damn, that’s one hell of a cake!!”
That’s exactly how I feel too!
Is there anything less political?
Yes! But I’m sure you already know this: BUJU is home!!!
Now off you go to your party, you well learned current affairs guru.
You can thank me later.
Speaking of parties, where should I go?
Moms. To bed. Really, you should make it a priority to get some rest this Christmas.
Alas, tis’ the season for staff parties, so I guess that's where I’ll be going! Where will you be celebrating this week? Let us know in the comments.
Let us know if you like our NEW weekly roundup and what you'd like to see!
Toodles... until next week!
I love this compilation…Sean Paul wife killing it (2019 goals!…lol). Great read..love it!
Lovely compilation! Thanks. It was worth the read.
Thank you!!!
Okay so of course now I run gone follow Tami chin lmao. Those tantrums ignore ignore ignore, hard but ignore when they get attention it gets worst. Ugh or stay home until those years end. Jinx is a boss. I am just trying to just not be able to fit in clothes and not look good. Bisoon I will give a listen although sometimes I try to avoid all things mom to get a break and be me.
I enjoyed this. Throw the whole Petrojam awaaayyy
I’m dying with “throw the whole Petrojam away!” lol!